GO Thuis voelen in de buurt: een opgave voor stedelijke vernieuwing: een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de buurthechting van bewoners in Nederland en Engeland
Author: J.W. Duyvendak, Peter Van Der Graaf
Type: eBook
Language: Dutch
Released: 2009
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Page Count: 135
Format: pdf
ISBN-10: 9089641513
ISBN-13: 9789048510887
Tags:Thuis voelen in de buurt: een opgave voor stedelijke vernieuwing: een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de buurthechting van bewoners in Nederland en Engeland, tutorials, pdf, djvu, chm, epub, ebook, book, torrent, downloads, rapidshare, filesonic, hotfile, fileserve
From the Back Cover This definitive study brings together the thought of Romanian religious scholar Mircea Eliade with that of Canadian philosopher and theologian Bernard Lonergan to identify the general structure of religious knowing. Applying Lonergan's fourfold levels of consciousness as an interpretive framework, the author elicits a clearer understanding of Eliade's theories of the sacred by treating four principle themes: the experience of the sacred; the sacred as expressed in religious symbols; the fundamental reality of the sacred; and life in the sacred as religious transformation, ritual, and mystical personalities. In addition, the book addresses the relationship between theology and religious studies as distinct but complimentary disciplines, and the interdisciplinary foundations for cooperation among the world's religions. About the Author John D. Dadosky is Assistant Professor of Theology at Regis College.
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