GO Geometrical vectors
Author: Gabriel Weinreich
Type: eBook
Language: English
Released: 1998
Publisher: University Of Chicago Press
Page Count: 127
Format: djvu
ISBN-10: 0226890481
ISBN-13: 9780226890487
Tags:Geometrical vectors, tutorials, pdf, djvu, chm, epub, ebook, book, torrent, downloads, rapidshare, filesonic, hotfile, fileserve
Micro-independent software vendors, or micro-ISVs, have become both a major source of applications and a realistic career alternative for IT professionals. As for the latter&emdash;are you a programmer and curious about being your own boss? Where do you turn for information? Until now, online and traditional literature haven't caught up with the reality of the post-dot.com bust. Micro-ISV: From Vision to Reality explains what works and why in today's emerging micro-ISV sector. Currently, thousands of programmers build and deliver great solutions ISV-style, earning success and revenues much larger than you might guess. Written by and for micro-ISVs, with help from some of the leaders of the field&emdash;this book takes you beyond just daydreaming to running your own business. It thoroughly explores how it is indeed possible to launch and maintain a small and successful ISV business, and is an ideal read if you're interested in getting started. From the Author If you're doing Windows desktop app, this is the book you need; If you are doing a web app, I'd recommendĐ’ The Web Startup Success GuideĐ’ amzn.to/16vt4M instead. --This text refers to the edition.
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