GO Planning Public Library Buildings: Concepts And Issues for the Librarian
Author: Michael Dewe
Type: eBook
Language: English
Released: 2006
Publisher: No
Page Count: 354
Format: pdf
ISBN-10: 0754633888
ISBN-13: 9780754681502
Tags:Planning Public Library Buildings: Concepts And Issues for the Librarian, tutorials, pdf, djvu, chm, epub, ebook, book, torrent, downloads, rapidshare, filesonic, hotfile, fileserve
From Publishers Weekly A struggling journalist covering the L.A. party circuit ponders her price while writing a feature about a high-class hooker in David's misfired follow-up to Party Girl. Emma Swanson, hungry for a promotion at Substance—a local glam rag—is young, ambitious and frustrated with her lowly beat. While researching a potential cover story on yuppie hooking, she meets gorgeous if bitchy call girl Jessica Davis, who introduces Emma to her contemporary version of the world's oldest profession. As Emma's story looks like it might come together (and Jessica showers Emma with expensive gifts), one of Jessica's friends offers Emma the editor-in-chief spot at a magazine he's about to launch. The catch: she's got to give him the hooker story. What follows is a moralizing journey of self-discovery, replete with a Michael Toms–assisted epiphany. David sets up some interesting parallels between selling your soul and selling your body, but the narrative comes off too lightweight and hokily insidery (Ron Burkle is name-checked) to really deliver on them. (May) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From Emma Swanson is a frustrated Los Angeles writer working as a party reporter for Substance magazine, which means she lines up outside red-carpet events and tries to get celebrities to give her quotes. She spots an exotic woman at various events and soon learns that Jessica is a professional escort who gets paid in clothes, jewelry, and rent payments. Fascinated by this career choice, and curious about what would make a woman become a professional escort, Emma thinks this would be a spectacular story for Substance. When her pitch is accepted, Emma works on ingratiating herself with Jessica. Jessica is more than willing to help Emma with her story and they become friends as Jessica tells Emma about the escort business and Emma learns how to be bolder and get what she wants. But Jessica won’t do anything without getting something in return, and Emma has to decide exactly how much she’s willing to do for a story and a friendship. David presents a glitzy, glamorous, gossipy novel. --Hilary Hatton
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