GO Structural sensitivity analysis and optimization 1, Linear systems
Author: Choi K.K., Kim N.H.
Type: eBook
Language: English
Released: 2005
Publisher: Springer
Page Count: 457
Format: pdf
ISBN-10: 038723232X
ISBN-13: 9780387232324
Tags:Structural sensitivity analysis and optimization 1, Linear systems, tutorials, pdf, djvu, chm, epub, ebook, book, torrent, downloads, rapidshare, filesonic, hotfile, fileserve
Review "This book is an important reference for any biologists' bookshelf."-SOUTHEASTERN NATURALIST (May 2006)"This book is a must reference for all scientist that work with telemetry or are contemplating telemetry projects. It should be used from start to finish...Academic Press is to be commended for continuing and updating its wildlife telemetry offerings."-THE CANADIAN FIELD-NATURALIST (2002)"...I have no doubts that this book will warrant a place in one's library, especially to assist graduate students in the design, planning, and delivery of radiotracking studies, as well as in the analysis or radiotracking data."-JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY (February 2003)"...is a valuable book that should be of interest to a wide readership. ...I highly recommend this book for individuals conducting radiotelemerty studies."-Barry R. Noon for THE AUK (April 2002)"If I was embarking on a radio tracking study I would start with this book since it is concise in the basics, clearly highlights many potential pitfalls and stimulates deeper thinking about what can be achieved with tracking studies."-Jeremy Lindsell for IBIS (2002)"...wildlife biologists, managers and students seeking a laudable compilation of readable synopses will find exactly that...Various contributors have done an admirable job of placing methods in context with one another and distilling the fundamentals of relatively complicated statistical techniques."-Geln A. Sargaent, U.S. Geological Survey Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center for ECOLOGY (2002) From the Back Cover Radio Tracking and Animal Populations is a succinct synthesis of emerging technologies and their application to the empirical and theoretical problems of animal population assessment. The book is divided into sections designed to encompass the various aspects of animal ecology that may be evaluated using radio tracking technology - experimental design, equipment and technology, animal movement, resource selection, and demographics. The book is at the leading edge of new developments in this technology and its application. The editors and contributors have provided a synthesis of this fast changing field. Especially useful will be the catalog of software currently available for analyzing the data obtained in radio tracking studies. Any practicing wildlife biologist who already uses radio tracking or plans to use radio tracking will need this book.
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