GO Essentials of plane trigonometry and analytic geometry
Author: Antherton H. Sprague
Type: eBook
Language: English
Released: 2007
Publisher: Karig Press
Page Count: 246
Format: pdf
ISBN-10: 1406703745
ISBN-13: 9781406703740
Tags:Essentials of plane trigonometry and analytic geometry, tutorials, pdf, djvu, chm, epub, ebook, book, torrent, downloads, rapidshare, filesonic, hotfile, fileserve
PHP and MySQL have become a serious and commercially viable system with which to develop web applications. With the relase of PHP 5, J2EE developers, in particular, are starting to take a second look at PHP. And while there are many books on the makret that describe PHP language syntax, there are very few that fully describe web application development with PHP and related technologies. This book describes the complete web application development lifecycle, from planning the application to designing the user interface to building in robust security. And since web applications serve the entire world, often neglected globalization issues are treated in detail. Though MySQL is used throughout the examples, Part IV also contains examples of building applications on top of both Oracle and PostgresSQL, two popular alternatives to MySQL for use in mission-critical systems. From the Back Cover The programmer's Guide to building robust web applications with PHP and MySQL This is a comprehensive, practical guide for programmers who want to develop production-quality, database-enabled web applications with PHP and MySQL. Long-time developer Marc Wandschneider systematically addresses the entire process: not only coding, but also upfront application, user interface and database design, PLUS security, testing, and more. You'll walk through building three applications from start to finish: a calendaring system, a weblog engine, and an e-commerce store. Along the way, you'll master essential strategies for creating robust web database applications and learn how to avoid the common pitfalls that trip up many developers moving to PHP and MySQL. Starts with a complete primer on PHP for developers including coverage of code organization, reuse, and object-oriented PHP Contains detailed treatments of data access, including transactions, foreign keys, and indexes Presents powerful data validation techniques utilizing PHP regular expressions Walks through planning web applications, including user interfaces and user management Offers systematic guidance on securing web applications from end to end Covers a wide range of implementation issues including internationalization, error handling, data validation, debugging, session management, and deployment Includes detailed chapters on XML, XML-based web services, and the PEAR framework for reusable PHP components Shows how to work with the Oracle and PostgreSQL databases
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