GO Formulation and Analytical Development for Low-Dose Oral Drug Products
Author: Jack Zheng
Type: eBook
Language: English
Released: 2009
Publisher: Wiley
Page Count: 476
Format: pdf
ISBN-10: 0470056096
ISBN-13: 9780470056097
Tags:Formulation and Analytical Development for Low-Dose Oral Drug Products, tutorials, pdf, djvu, chm, epub, ebook, book, torrent, downloads, rapidshare, filesonic, hotfile, fileserve
The Practical, Easy-to-Use Guide to Lean Sigma Problem-Solving Lean Sigma delivers results—if you use the right tools and techniques. In Lean Sigma: A Practitioner’s Guide, Dr. Ian Wedgwood captures best-practice Lean Sigma experience from multiple projects and industries, helping any professional identify the solution that will work best—and implement it.  Wedgwood’s exclusive "project roadmaps" present the fastest, most effective route to solving a wide range of problems—and explain why those solutions make sense. His "discovery roadmaps" help you identify potential Lean Sigma projects, even in processes where there are no obvious targets.  The heart of Lean Sigma is Wedgwood's 48 individual "tools roadmaps": step-by-step instructions revealing exactly how and when to use all these Lean Sigma tools... • 5 Whys  • 5S  • Affinity  • ANOVA  • Boxplots  • Capability tools  • Cause & effect matrices  • Chi-Square  • Control charts  • Critical path analyses  • Customer tools  • Demand tools  • DOE tools  • Fishbone diagrams  • Handoff maps  • KPOVs  • Load charts  • MSA tools  • Multi-Cycle analyses  • Multi-Vari studies  • Murphy’s analyses  • Normality tests  • OEE  • Pareto charts  • Poka Yoke  • Process FMEA  • Process variables (I/O) maps  • Project charter  • Pull systems & Kanban  • Rapid changeover  • Regression  • SIPOC  • Spaghetti maps  • SPC  • Swimlane maps  • Time tools  Whether you’re a Green Belt, Black Belt, Master, Project Champion, Sponsor, Deployment Leader, or consultant, this book will help you use Lean Sigma to solve far more problems, far more rapidly, and far more effectively.  Dr. Ian Wedgwood, Executive Director of Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, has more than ten years of experience using, deploying, training, and consulting on Six Sigma and Lean Sigma. He has led and facilitated deployments in industries ranging from electronics and medical devices to chemicals and health care, and has trained and mentored numerous executives, champions, and belts. He holds a Ph.D. and First-Class Honors degree in Applied Mathematics from Scotland’s St. Andrew’s University.  Chapter 1   Introduction 1 PART I       PROJECT ROADMAPS TO SOLVE BUSINESS PROBLEMS Chapter 2   Define—Tools Roadmap Applied to the Beginning of All Projects  13 Chapter 3   Global Process Problems 23          A: On-Time Delivery Issues       23          B: Capacity of Process Is Too Low     27          C: RTY, Defects, Accuracy, Quality, Scrap, and Rework Issues   29          D: % Uptime Is Too Low 33          E: Pace of Process Too Slow    36          F: Process Has Enough Capacity, But Fails Intermittently  38          G: Process Has Enough Capacity, But Process Lead Time Is Too Long 41          H: Individual Steps Meet Takt, Global Process Does Not   44          I: Demand from the Customer Is Too Variable       47          J: Too Many Entity Types (Products)  51          K: High Schedule Variation        54          L: Measurement System Broken        60          M: Performance Characteristic Not Good Enough   63          N: Planned Maintenance Takes Too Long      64          O: Setup/Changeover Takes Too Long         65          P: Too Much Unplanned Maintenance  68          Q: Process Can’t Make Product at All  72          R: Resource Usage Is Too High (Headcount Reduction)    75          S: Inventory Is Too High 78          T: Waste/Process Loss Too High        82          U: High Forecast Variation        85          V: Not Enough Sales       89          W: Backlog of Orders Is Too High       91          X: Payments Made to Suppliers Not Optimized       93          Y: Accounts Receivable Are Too High  95 Chapter 4   Individual Step Process Problems        99 Chapter 5   Control—Tools Used at the End of All Projects        107 PART II     ROADMAPS TO FIND PROJECTS WHERE NO OBVIOUS CAND... From the Back Cover The Practical, Easy-to-Use Guide to Lean Sigma Problem-Solving Lean Sigma delivers results—if you use the right tools and techniques. In Lean Sigma: A Practitioner’s Guide, Dr. Ian Wedgwood captures best-practice Lean Sigma experience from multiple projects and industries, helping any professional identify the solution that will work best—and implement it.  Wedgwood’s exclusive "project roadmaps" present the fastest, most effective route to solving a wide range of problems—and explain why those solutions make sense. His "discovery roadmaps" help you identify potential Lean Sigma projects, even in processes where there are no obvious targets.  The heart of Lean Sigma is Wedgwood's 48 individual "tools roadmaps": step-by-step instructions revealing exactly how and when to use all these Lean Sigma tools... • 5 Whys  • 5S  • Affinity  • ANOVA  • Boxplots  • Capability tools  • Cause & effect matrices  • Chi-Square  • Control charts  • Critical path analyses  • Customer tools  • Demand tools  • DOE tools  • Fishbone diagrams  • Handoff maps  • KPOVs  • Load charts  • MSA tools  • Multi-Cycle analyses  • Multi-Vari studies  • Murphy’s analyses  • Normality tests  • OEE  • Pareto charts  • Poka Yoke  • Process FMEA  • Process variables (I/O) maps  • Project charter  • Pull systems & Kanban  • Rapid changeover  • Regression  • SIPOC  • Spaghetti maps  • SPC  • Swimlane maps  • Time tools  Whether you’re a Green Belt, Black Belt, Master, Project Champion, Sponsor, Deployment Leader, or consultant, this book will help you use Lean Sigma to solve far more problems, far more rapidly, and far more effectively.  Dr. Ian Wedgwood, Executive Director of Sigma Breakthrough Technologies, has more than ten years of experience using, deploying, training, and consulting on Six Sigma and Lean Sigma. He has led and facilitated deployments in industries ranging from electronics and medical devices to chemicals and health care, and has trained and mentored numerous executives, champions, and belts. He holds a Ph.D. and First-Class Honors degree in Applied Mathematics from Scotland’s St. Andrew’s University.  Chapter 1   Introduction 1 PART I       PROJECT ROADMAPS TO SOLVE BUSINESS PROBLEMS Chapter 2   Define—Tools Roadmap Applied to the Beginning of All Projects  13 Chapter 3   Global Process Problems 23          A: On-Time Delivery Issues       23          B: Capacity of Process Is Too Low     27          C: RTY, Defects, Accuracy, Quality, Scrap, and Rework Issues   29          D: % Uptime Is Too Low 33          E: Pace of Process Too Slow    36          F: Process Has Enough Capacity, But Fails Intermittently  38          G: Process Has Enough Capacity, But Process Lead Time Is Too Long 41          H: Individual Steps Meet Takt, Global Process Does Not   44          I: Demand from the Customer Is Too Variable       47          J: Too Many Entity Types (Products)  51          K: High Schedule Variation        54          L: Measurement System Broken        60          M: Performance Characteristic Not Good Enough   63          N: Planned Maintenance Takes Too Long      64          O: Setup/Changeover Takes Too Long         65          P: Too Much Unplanned Maintenance  68          Q: Process Can’t Make Product at All  72          R: Resource Usage Is Too High (Headcount Reduction)    75          S: Inventory Is Too High 78          T: Waste/Process Loss Too High        82          U: High Forecast Variation        85          V: Not Enough Sales       89          W: Backlog of Orders Is Too High       91          X: Payments Made to Suppliers Not Optimized       93          Y: Accounts Receivable Are Too High  95 Chapter 4   Individual Step Process Problems        99 Chapter 5   Control—Tools Used at the End of All Projects        107 PART II     ROADMAPS TO FIND PROJECTS WHERE NO OBVIOUS CAND...
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