GO Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions
Author: E. Artin
Type: eBook
Language: English
Released: 1967
Publisher: Routledge
Page Count: 183
Format: pdf
ISBN-10: 0677006357
ISBN-13: 9780677006352
Tags:Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions, tutorials, pdf, djvu, chm, epub, ebook, book, torrent, downloads, rapidshare, filesonic, hotfile, fileserve
Appropriate for all courses in wireless receiver design, and for advanced courses in signal processing. As the performance and power requirements for wireless devices become increasingly challenging, engineers have recognized that advanced signal processing techniques are more crucial than ever. This book presents a unified framework for understanding the state-of-the-art in signal processing for wireless communications. Dr. Xiadong Wang and Dr. H. Vincent Poor focus on the development, analysis, and use of explicit algorithms for performing advanced processing tasks that arise in receiver design for emerging wireless systems, and provide a comprehensive set of algorithms for addressing physical issues, including multi-path, dispersion, interference, dynamism, and multiple-antenna systems. Many of the methods detailed here were developed by the co-authors themselves, notably in the areas of turbo processing, multiple-antenna systems, and low-complexity adaptive algorithms. From the Back Cover A unified framework for using today's most advanced signal processing techniques Driven by the rapidly escalating capacity demands of emerging wireless systems, researchers havedeveloped a wide array of novel signal processing techniques for use in such systems. Now, twoleading researchers synthesize the field's vast new literature, giving working engineers practicalguidance for designing advanced wireless receivers. Drs. Xiaodong Wang and H. Vincent Poor offer a complete framework for developing, analyzing, andunderstanding the explicit algorithms needed for advanced processing in emerging wireless systems.They address a full range of physical-layer issues, including multipath, dispersion, interference,dynamism, and multiple-antenna systems. In many cases, the authors themselves developed the methodsthey present. Coverage includes: An overview of contemporary wireless signaling environments and basic receiver signal processing techniques Blind, group-blind, space-time, and turbo multiuser detection Robust multiuser detection in non-Gaussian channels Narrowband interference suppression: linear and non-linear predictive techniques, performance comparisons, and more Monte Carlo Bayesian signal processing Signal processing for fast fading channels Advanced signal processing for coded OFDM systems
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